Hospitality and Compassion

 10Then one said, "I will surely return to you in due season, and your wife Sarah shall have a son." And Sarah was listening at the tent entrance behind him. ... 

14Is anything too wonderful for the LORD?

                                                                                                  Genesis 18:10, 14
                                                                      Abraham, Sarah, and the Angel
Jan Provost, Flemish
                                                                                  Musée du Louvre, Paris
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot
be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.
                                                             ~ Helen Keller
... there are all different kinds of voices
calling you to all different kinds of work
and the problem is to find the voice of God
rather than that of society,
or the super-ego, or self-interest.
... The place God calls you to
is the place where your deep gladness and
the world's deep hunger meet.
                                                             ~ Frederick Buechner

Artists' Reception
Memories in the Making
Colorado Alzheimer's Association
Denver, Colorado
May 9, 2005
Barbara, a former trapeze artist and computer programmer,
in front of her painting, "Trapeze." 
Be kind,
for everyone you meet
is fighting a great battle.
                                                             ~ Philo of Alexandria
June 12, 2005    Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jan Provost (1465-1520)
                                                                       Abraham and the Three Angels
                                                                        He Qi, China