after healing the centurion's slave, Jesus went to a town called Nain, and his
disciples and a large crowd went with him. As he approached the gate of the
town, a man who had died was being carried out. He was his mother's only son,
and she was a widow; and with her was a large crowd from the town. When the
Lord saw her, he had compassion for her and said to her, "Do not
weep." Then he came forward and touched the bier, and the bearers stood
still. And he said, "Young man, I say to you, rise!" The dead man sat
up and began to speak, and Jesus gave him to his mother. Fear seized all of
them; and they glorified God, saying, "A great prophet has risen among
us!" and "God has looked favorably on his people!" This word
about him spread throughout Judea and all the surrounding country.
of the Widow’s Son from Nain
Lucas the Younger
I have just three things to teach:
simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Lao Tzu
Grief can be the garden of compassion.
If you keep your heart open through everything,
your pain can become your greatest ally
in your life’s search for love and wisdom.
and Graham Gibbard invited us to a barbecue on Memorial Day
their new home in Wind Crest Retirement Community.
that time again!
Marie Nelson and I started the season at Fossil Trace Driving Range.
their restaurant!)
brand new Rotary Musical Park with five different instruments has been
will be next Friday.
Alexander and Anna Marie Nelson
the Sculpture Evergreen’s Sculptors’ Reception Friday evening.
years’ sculptures were removed on Friday and the newly selected
were installed Saturday morning.
Sharp had a “Meet the Baby Goats Party” at her
Lucky Penny Ranch Saturday evening.
has two baby Nigerian miniature goats who came
live with her on Memorial Day.
Davis loved it!
and Willie
Sharp, Crazy Goat Lady
What would life be if we had
no courage to attempt anything?
June 5, 2016 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Third Sunday after
Pentecost - Proper 5
OPQs may be found at:
I want
you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel that was proclaimed by me is
not of human origin; for I did not receive it from a human source, nor was I
taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.
You have
heard, no doubt, of my earlier life in Judaism. I was violently persecuting the
church of God and was trying to destroy it. I advanced in Judaism beyond many
among my people of the same age, for I was far more zealous for the traditions
of my ancestors. But when God, who had set me apart before I was born and
called me through his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son to me, so that I
might proclaim him among the Gentiles, I did not confer with any human being,
nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were already apostles before me, but
I went away at once into Arabia, and afterwards I returned to Damascus.
Then after
three years I did go up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas and stayed with him fifteen
days; but I did not see any other apostle except James the Lord's brother. In
what I am writing to you, before God, I do not lie! Then I went into the
regions of Syria and Cilicia, and I was still unknown by sight to the churches
of Judea that are in Christ; they only heard it said, "The one who
formerly was persecuting us is now proclaiming the faith he once tried to
destroy." And they glorified God because of me.
Agnus Day, by James Wetzstein
Agnus Day appears with the permission
Psalm 30
Galatians 1:11-24
Luke 7:11-17